Tuesday, December 23, 2008


When I lived in Israel, I worked on Basel street in Tel Aviv. And next door to the office where I worked was this AMAZING wine and cheese place. I used to go there for lunch and get a sandwich made on homemade bread with sun-dried tomatoes baked right into it, topped with a brie or a cammembert, drizzled with olive oil -- YUM. So good.

I've been dying for that sandwich. So, today I baked the bread, found some pasteurized brie, and made and devoured a sandwich. And it was SO good that I made another one and ate that. And I did this WHILE MY HUSBAND WAS OUT BUYING DINNER.


DESJ and Company said... 1

so where's the bread recipe?

Anonymous said... 2

DESJ beat me to it! Hope you are having a Happy Hannukah, and that you figure out how to avoid the drama for S...

Anonymous said... 3

So...did you eat dinner too?