Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can you help my friends?

The letter below is from close personal friends of mine. Please read their story and consider making a contribution if you can. Please feel free to email me if you need more information.


Dear friends and family,

Three months ago, following a healthy full term pregnancy, our nephew Eitan was born. Immediately following his delivery, he was diagnosed with an imperforate anus. Before he was even 24 hours old, he underwent emergency lifesaving surgery to create a temporary opening for excretions via his stomach.

After additional testing, we now know that his birth defect is of the most serious and rare type. In addition to this defect, his intestines are also attached to his urinary system, and he is unfortunately exposed to infections. His situation is so severe and life threatening that he is in need of a critical operation to reconstruct his anus and separate his intestines and urinary system.

This surgery is critical for Eitan’s life and future, and it may well be his only chance to be able to control his bowel movements in the future.

Because he is so young and his situation is so severe, the surgery must be performed at a surgical center with experience in these types of cases. A world renowned surgeon with such experience has been located at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical center.

Our health insurance (public and our private policies) companies will not cover the cost of the surgery outside of Israel -- approximated at $150,000. We do not have the means to cover this cost ourselves.

We would like to ask for your assistance in giving Eitan a healthy and full life with your donation to our non-profit emergency fund via “Ahavat Yisrael” (Eitan Levy Fund). Any assistance is appreciated -- every penny counts!

You may mail your check directly to Ahavat Yisrael (11819 Stallion Lane, Houston, TX 77071). Make your check out to “Ahavat Yisrael – Eitan Levy Fund.”

Thank you for your assistance,

David and Shirlee Steiner


Lisa said... 1 you may remember I live in Cincinnati. Please tell your friends that when they get here if I can help in anyway, to please call me (I will email you my number). You probably haven't seen the new blog but Julia had brain surgery in Detroit last September and I am familiar with the added stress that travel brings when dealing with your child's surgery. Not to mention coming from overseas. I'll pop what I can in the mail too.

Mara said... 2

Okay, I am stunned beyond words right now. I was catching up on some of your posts after your comment on my new blog today (Kosher on a Budget). I came across this post and started shaking when I came to the end. Dudi and Shirli Steiner... Dudi and my husband were in miluim together. We spent Shabbat at their home in Elkana before they came to the U.S. for his post-doc. I showed my husband this letter and we are both wondering if you have Dudi's number or email... or any information on Eitan. You can email me at kosheronabudget AT gmail DOT com, if you don't mind. The smallness of this world is beyond imagine!