Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can you help?

The note from D's teacher:

Mrs. WG,

D. is a wonderful child, but he is not always interested in our group activities in the classroom. He always feels tired or bored I guess. However, he works very well when I give him my undivided attention and work with him one-on-one which I can't do all the time. Is he getting enough rest and sleep at home?

By the way, he loves to work on the Leap Frog station, which is a good educational tool, and I'm using it as a reward for him when he finishes his work.

Do you have any suggestions? I appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you.

OK, peeps. He's not tired or bored. I mean, maybe he is, but that's not the problem. The problem is that when he doesn't understand what's going on, he tunes out completely. So, um, what do we do about that? I want him to be able to function as part of the group. How do we get there? Any brilliant ideas? Please?

Thank you.


DESJ and Company said... 1

does he have a 1:1?
Sounds like he needs one.

Ashley's Mom said... 2

What are examples of the group activities?

Anonymous said... 3

Can you get him a shadow? My sister's daughter is autistic and she has a shadow in the classroom. It is a woman who is there just for her. the teacher will tell the class what to do and this woman works solely with my niece.

Anonymous said... 4

Maybe the teacher can use visual aids to help him understand what is going on/what is expected of him? It may be worth a shot.

Also, what about a behavioral program to get him to participate in group activities?

Anonymous said... 5

I just found your blog and am a special ed teacher that has worked with many different disabilites. I felt compelled to comment. I don't know a lot about the classroom your son is in but if he is an inclusion room, could he be paired with a peer buddy (different kids could rotate)to help him know what is going on at what time (and/or draw him into the lesson)? Could the teacher give him a 2 min preview (conference with him privately) before she starts a group lesson so he knows what to expect? Is he a visual learner-maybe a schedule will help him understand when group and independent activities occur and what is expected of him and when. As for a paraprofessional (1:1), if this is the only issue that the teacher is having and your son is successful in other areas, I would hesitate to go that route. 1:1's can be great (and they certainly help the teacher) but they can enable students a lot if the student doesn't really need it and as a teacher I am always trying to instill independence and responsibility in my students. Anyway, these are my initial thoughts based on your post. Sorry it's so long and I hope it helps. Your son sounds like a great kid!!