Sunday, December 07, 2008


I flatter myself, I'm sure, in imagining just DOZENS of you anxiously refreshing and waiting for my update.

So, I dragged Mr. WG along to my U/S appointment on Friday, and after cooling our heels in the waiting room for a good 40 minutes, we were at last ushered in to see the tech. Who it turns out, was doing a transabdominal u/s, and not the wanding I had anticipated been promised thought was in store.

Anyway, we saw a blinking heart, and she made measurements, and then on one screen she put a little arrow and labeled it "baby," which made me laugh out loud.

"You should wrap that up and give it to Z," I said to Mr. WG. So the tech wrote Z's name at the top, and then started to add MERRY -- at which point I said, "Well, actually it's Hannukah," so she wrote Happy Hannukah Z and printed it out. And even just thinking of it leaves me with a big, silly grin on my face, which is a pleasant change from the copious tears I've been shedding all along.

And based on the size, we adjusted my date back to July 22, making me a good 10 days less pregnant than I should be according to the laws of physics or biology or something. I guess Mr. WG just has bionic sperm that live for two weeks or something.

And how was your weekend?


Anonymous said... 1

Bauch HaShem. Glad the ultrasound went well and good good good luck with the CVS. Are you going to make Z wait until Chanukah for the printout?

(I don't refresh your blog continuously in case you have a site tracker thing and wonder who the crazy stalker is who visits your blog 30 times a day - but I do refresh my RSS feed continuously!)

Anonymous said... 2

Adorable. I'm smiling, too.

moplans said... 3


Anonymous said... 4

Awesome! So glad that it's a baby. And not some other life form.

Anonymous said... 5

Lovely news :-)

Anonymous said... 6

Bionic Sperm. LOL. Gotta love that super-human sperm. Congrats on the baby. And the baby label!