Friday, August 29, 2008

Let me tell you about someone else's crap for a change

On Wednesday, when the rest of my kids started school my friend M. and I were in the library when a little girl we both know was ushered into the room where the 3rd and 4th graders were davening.

"Isn't she in second grade?" my friend asked.

"Yeah, but I think maybe they moved her up a year..." I said, but I couldn't remember the details. Later I realized that they had actually moved her up earlier in her school career, and that was what I had been thinking of, but I never got around to following up on the thought.

Today, my husband saw her mother, and she mentioned that they had, indeed, moved their daughter up to the third grade. Why?

Well, this beautiful little girl and her biological brother were adopted from Russia a few years ago. And it turns out that someone, somewhere along the way, LIED ABOUT THE GIRL'S AGE, because they were afraid that the parents wouldn't want to adopt her if they knew her real age. So they made her a year younger.

I don't know if it's because I'm off my meds this month, but it made me cry. It also infuriates me.

Anyway, her parents recognized that moving her up will be a little bit difficult at first, but they are confident she will rise to the challenge.

The world is kind of a sucky place sometimes, n'est-ce pas?


Brandy said...

Just thinking about that type of situation makes me sad. It is crazy that there are still things like that going on in our world.

Anonymous said...
