Wednesday, October 09, 2013

I could not make this shit up if I tried.

(Sorry. The more stressed I get, the worse my language gets. I apologize.)

OK, so yesterday, Adi and I started out the day at home together. From very early in the morning, Adi was insistent that he wanted sushi and eggrolls. Unfortunately, this is not New York City, and there is no one who delivers such delicacies first thing in the morning. So my morning was something along the lines of:

Adi: I want sushi and eggrolls.

Me: Later, honey. Do you want something else? Maybe some cornflakes?


Me: Yep. I know. We'll have that for lunch. Do you want to play something?


Me: (quietly bangs head against wall)

In fact, Adi even wrote and sang a song about how he wanted his sushi and eggrolls.

I have tried twice to upload it here from the hospital with no luck, so if you are not my friend on Facebook, just know that you are missing out on an AMAZING song.

Anyway, so, at precisely 11 am, I ordered our sushi and eggrolls, and when they arrived, Adi devoured them. "I was starving," he told me.

And then he was calm, just talking about garbage trucks and trash cans and Honda Odysseys and Toyota Siennas, and everything was cool -- and then Guy called.

"Can you bring Adi in now?"

"Bring Adi in?"

"Yeah. He needs to come in -- they were supposed to give him something on Day 10, and they forgot--"

There was more explanation, but I was already getting our bag together and helping Adi with sneakers, supporting him as we walked to the car, getting him settled into his seat and buckling him up. I called Guy from the car and got a little bit more of an explanation, including a key fact that he had not mentioned previously -- namely, that we were going to be sleeping at the hospital.

Ultimately, we sat down with our oncologist last night to talk about what had happened. Here's the deal:

Adi is on the European BFM protocol. The protocol was recently updated, and T-cell ALL patients who are prednisone poor responders are now given a dose of Cytoxan and Mesna on Day 10 in addition to the regular chemo. But because this is a relatively recent change, someone printed out an older version of the treatment sheet, and so Adi never got the Cytoxan and Mesna. He got just the regular chemo. This should not actually make any difference in the long term, as there are other protocols that give these meds at different times.

Anyway, after receiving the treatment, Adi needed to receive fluids for 24 hours to flush his system, hence the overnight stay. Guy left the hospital at 3pm to go pick up the other kids and have dinner with them.

While he was gone, I started getting these INSANE texts from my brother:

A neighbor awoke Mom and Dad at 5am to report water was gushing out of their garage. Turns out something broke in the garage and the entire house flooded—two inches of water throughout their home.
USAA will cover replacing many things: The ruined carpets, the ruined drywall surrounding the bottom inches of the house, the ruined furniture, the fried modem, the fried power adapters, etc, etc.
They have no phone or Internet because of the fried stuff mentioned above.
They do not want you to call, because they are trying to leave their cell phone lines open for the repair people and plumbers and whatnot. They still do not know what broke.
Their house is now apparently unlivable, so they will be moving to a hotel on USAA’s dime.

Now, just in case you forgot, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last week and is starting treatment today. Yesterday was her birthday. I checked, and NONE OF US ordered her a flood. So I don't know where that came from, but whatever.

Guy came back to the hospital a few hours later with Adi's pillow and blanket and the other things they needed for an overnight stay. After we met with the oncologist, I went back home to sleep.

This morning, I got the kids off to school and came back to the hospital. Adi hadn't moved from his bed since checking in the day before. I mean, yes, he got up to pee, but that's it. He was weak and tired and cranky and drooling a little and he didn't look good, and it didn't feel right to us, and we called a nurse, who called a doctor, and when Adi's bloodwork came back we saw that his hemoglobin and his salts (sodium?) were both incredibly low, so he is taking salt pills (???) and will be getting blood shortly and we're probably stuck here for another night.

I hate cancer.


Anonymous said... 1

Thank goodness the doctors' error will not have any long-term ill effects. Adi is in my prayers. Love, Steve.

Crystal T. said... 2

That sucks! Why does it always seem like the stressful stuff piles on all at once??