Monday, February 14, 2011


This is my kid with Sotos. Riding a bike. Without training wheels. Because he is awesome.


Shosh said... 1


persephone said... 2

where is the Like button! :D

Jill said... 3
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fern said... 4


btw, I don't think my 21 yr old kid can ride a bike--and he doesn't have Sotos.

ella said... 5

Wow. Wow wow wow! Go D!

Mara said... 6

WOOOHOOO, D! Definitely freaking rocks!

moplans said... 7


Teej said... 8

Just wow.

Sara said... 9


Sara said... 10


sugarmagnolia70 said... 11

Holy moly! My son, who is almost 7, and typically-developing and healthy, still needs training wheels. I'm very impressed!

mom24angels said... 12

I LOVE it!! When my son (with Sotos) started riding I felt like I had won the lottery. I honestly never knew if it would happen. He definitely ROCKS!

mom24angels said... 13

I LOVE it!! When my son (with Sotos) started riding I felt like I had won the lottery. I honestly never knew if it would happen. He definitely ROCKS!