Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Language of Special Another Language

Years ago, I was quite impressed with myself when I realized that, thanks to TeaPacks, I knew how to say "existential philosophy" in Hebrew. This seemed to me to be a fairly good indicator of my fluency with the language.

Yesterday, Mr. WG and I spoke about IEPs, inclusion classrooms, resource rooms, and so on... in Hebrew. Many of the terms used in Hebrew are based on the concepts in English, so it's fairly obvious what they are immediately. Others, I could figure out quickly enough, because I understand how the Israeli mind works.

That understanding, as it turns out, is going to be pretty important, because it looks like we are moving to Israel. In July. OF THIS YEAR.

For a long time, Mr. WG has talked of moving back, and I have ignored him. But lately, the talk doesn't stop. And even though he admits that logically, rationally, there is no reason to go, this is what he desperately wants, for himself, and for our family.

It turns out that I can be bought somewhat cheaply. Promise me an iPhone, and I come around. Kidding. I am going along with the plan because I love my husband, and because I don't think this will be bad for our family. I think it will be very, very hard, but it has the potential to be very, very good. Also, I will get an iPhone.

Nothing about this move will be easy or simple. I may have mentioned once or twice that I have a son with special needs? Yes? So, yeah, that will be an issue, in that HE HAS TO LEARN A WHOLE NEW ALPHABET and we have to go to IEP meetings in Israel WITH ISRAELIS, where the meetings will be conducted IN HEBREW, and we have to find a school and a community and go to developmental assessments IN HEBREW and OH MY GOD.

So, just when I thought I was starting to master the language of special needs, I realize that I have a lot of language to learn.


ella said... 1

Whoa, really? Wow. Is there an Israeli Sotos "community" at all? Very exciting, also very daunting I am sure - best of luck with all the preparation this will take! Those hours you are saving will come in handy...

Ani Od Chai said... 2

Mazal tov on deciding to take that leap. You are fortunate to already have a support system there and the language comes naturally to you. You've raised your kids with both languages so I don't see D having any trouble with the Hebrew. He will learn the alphabet, I have flash cards with letters and nekudot if you want to use them. But OMG, July??!!?? That is so soon!! I need to come see your decoupage table before you pack it!

Shosh said... 3

wow. okay im jealous now!! im curious how Mr WG's job can transfer so easily though. Good luck! You'd better still blog...

elizabeth said... 4

philosophia ... kiyumit?
good song! (on a really good album too).

moplans said... 5

How exciting for you all.
One of the directors at our Children's hospital had her sister speak about her group in Israel for children with hearing issues. I was so inspired by her talk and hope that you will find a similarly kindred group.

Anonymous said... 6

Parent of teen w/ Down syndrome living in Israel

DESJ and Company said... 7

Omg omg!! Where have I been?
I'm sooooo jealous.