Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sometimes, I am not a very nice person.

Scene: an outdoor carnival, sponsored by our local Friendship Circle, a group that provides assistance and support to the families of children with special needs. The carnival is in celebration of Sukkot, the holiday we are currently in the middle of.

When we arrived, one of the organizers spotted me and set my kids up with wristbands entitling them to all the rides they want for free, plus a meal ticket for every member of my family, also at no charge.

A few minutes later, I spotted a good friend and went over to say hi.

"I'm kind of annoyed," she said. "I thought this was free, but it's $15 for the ride pass and the food costs money, too."

"It's free for us," I said, a little smugly.

"What? Why?"

"Because I have a kid with special needs. Wanna trade? I'll pay the 15 bucks."



Sange in IL said... 1

I have a son with several disorders (Hearing Loss, Epilepsy...) and sometimes neighbors [or aquaintences] aren't happy that he gets picked up and dropped off in front of our house by the small school bus for free.

All I do is explain that I would gladly have him ride a regular school bus if my ds could be cured. That usually puts things into perspective for them.

Anonymous said... 2

Your comment definitely gave your friend a bit of perspective. Also, its great for others to see that someone can have a sense of humor about this too.

DESJ and Company said... 3

You bad bad woman.
I love you.

moplans said... 4

well done, you know I will be stealing that line!